Friday, June 02, 2006

Technical snag!!

hmm..the subject line is becoz i have just taken a break from studies..:)
Today was the last day of term 1..the classes got over...
I really miss rakesh vohra!!He is great!!
And so was Mark finn..who would be walking out of our courses!!
He was pretty good in handling Finance....We were lucky to have him for the whole term.
Waterman was superman in his teaching!! He taught at rocket pace!!
I slept over most of his classes.
Ohh by the way, I lost out in the AC sleeper of the term award of the class.
It was time for mock awards in the class.
I came a close second in winning the award.Except that Kamma made it finally,
Buddy next time around i will beat u.I was sitting in the last most people could never see my sleeping skills..So have ur ball!!
MK was unianimously voted late latifa! but i thot she should have been declared accountant of the year award!! i cant help notice that she sometimes admire her looks a lot!Apart from me rarely have I come across people who love themselves so much.
And then there is my neighbour SB, she sat next to me for the whole term.She is kinda energetic. Interestingly I have avoided talking to her a lot.I dont know why.Though she is not my enemy!But she is a sweet girl. She kinda got irritated that i slept a lot, like she mentioned, it was "depressing" for her.I guess she will be relieved not to sit next to me next term. And same with me here!!
Now is the time to mention DOC.He is crazy, He comes out of this outta-the-world heaven hometown of his, which resembles somewhat this romantic locations shot in hindi movies.Its everyones dream to live in place like he belongs to! He is crazy enuf to leave that and come over to ISB!! God bless ppl like him!!
He is a thorough gentlemen, except that I have a suggestion buddy, U keep guys talk with guys!!Let boys be boys!!
There was no send off party for the profs this time, And going by this, looks like there wouldnt be any in the future !!I guess "folks" here have ran out of cash in term 1 itself!! well, that is some state of "potential karorpathis" leave me outta this ok??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much show for rakesh. good. what about ur new profs? how about strategy? is he a cool dude to?

10:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much show for rakesh. good. what about ur new profs? how about strategy? is he a cool dude to?

10:29 pm  
Blogger Prashanth said...

Strategy?? u mean comp strats?? there is blood in my eyes.I cant believe ISB dishes out such bad profs.But silver lining is I have heard that the guy for the 2nd half of the course is good.So looking forward to it!!
But rakesh is the best guy!!

8:57 am  

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